Skin Boosters

Reveal Your Skin's Full Potential with Skin Boosters

Welcome to State Avenue Dental Office, where we offer advanced Skin Boosters to help you achieve the skin you've always dreamed of. Our Skin Boosters, often referred to as "skin supplements," work their magic below the surface, revitalizing your skin with deep hydration, nourishment, and rejuvenation. Each type of Skin Booster targets specific skin concerns, ensuring tailored and precise results.

How does Skin Booster work?

Skin Boosters work by delivering active ingredients directly into the skin's dermis through micro-injections.

What benefits from Skin Booster procedures?

Elasticity & Firmness

A "skin booster" goes beyond surface treatments. It's like a skin upgrade! These products actively inject skin-brightening, firming, and scar-improving substances using methods like injections, enhancing your skin's condition.

Even Tone & Scar improvement

Hydration & Radiance

Overall Wrinkle Care

Types of Skin Booster


These cellular communicators play a vital role in skin regeneration and immunity. In skincare, they directly nourish skin cells, promoting rejuvenation, reducing redness, and minimizing pores. Ideal for those taking on acne or seeking a natural skin glow.

ReJuran Healer

Utilizing DNA from salmon sperm, ReJuran introduces rejuvenating polyneucleotides. It combats skin thinning, boosts elasticity, and minimizes wrinkles. Perfect for those who've noticed the early signs of aging or desire firmer skin.

Filorga Injection (CHANEL)

Crafted with a perfect blend of 59 ingredients, including hyaluronic acid, vitamins, and amino acids, this treatment boosts collagen and rejuvenates at a cellular level. In just six short sessions over three months, you can revel in noticeable whiteness, clarity, and a luminous glow.


This treatment stimulates collagen and elastin synthesis, effectively reversing visible signs of aging. Experience a refined complexion with minimized pores, and say goodbye to scars and neck wrinkles.


  • Yes, skin boosters can be combined with other treatments like Botox or traditional dermal fillers to achieve comprehensive facial rejuvenation. We can discuss suitable combinations based on your goals.

  • Skin booster treatments are generally safe when administered by a qualified practitioner. However, like any cosmetic procedure, there may be minor side effects such as bruising, swelling, or tenderness at the injection sites.

  • During a consultation, We will assess your skin, discuss your concerns and goals, and develop a personalized treatment plan. You'll also have the opportunity to ask questions and address any specific issues you may have.